The Love Me Nots - In Black and White

The Love Me Nots – In Black and White
I saw this group of 2 rockin’ guys and 2 rockin’ (and gorgeous) women a few months ago and have been meaning to write about them since. I don’t see many bands these days, but they were definitely one of the best live bands I had experienced in ages!
I have been disappointed by many a garage band over the last few years – too many people now think that “garage” means “you don’t have to know how to play” (same problem with “punk”). The LMN’s put that fear to rest the minute that they hit their first note!
Drummer Jay Lien is a monster – he plays and looks like Clem Burke on stage, and that is a high compliment! Michael Johnny Walker plays a beautiful Mosrite guitar with a great tone and can rock’n’riff with the best & the rest! Christina Nunez is a super bassist and looks cool and tough while playing – like she knows she’s hot but she’d kick your ass if you told her so! All eyes tend to drift toward frontwoman Nicole, though! She plays very hip keyboard lines – much more interesting than the average garage band – while singing, screaming, dancing and gyrating through the set! She reminded me (and at least one other friend) of Georgia from the Short Fuses – great vocals, great charisma and sexy and stylish all at the same time!
They dress in all black and white, as well – always a good concept – with the women in matching mini-dresses and go-go boots and the men in stylish suits. The epitome of cool on stage!
Their sound is a little hard to describe. Definitely 60’s garage, but a bit of surf, plenty of fuzz, tons of intensity and a take-no-shit attitude! I believe I have seen them referred to as “spy-rock”, which is reasonably apt, though it doesn’t quite convey the wild side!
But suffice it to say if you dig 60’s styled, organ-fueled, fuzz-drenched r’n’r done with energy and style, you will dig this combo! Buy the record and definitely see them live if you ever get the chance!
Check out their My Space page
Also, a good story/review
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