Monday, May 07, 2018

The Unwieldies, Los Carajos at Cornish Pasty, Saturday May 5, 2018

Cornish Pasty is one of our favorite places to eat, and we have been to the Sunday Bluegrass Brunch here, but had not been to any previous shows in the back room - didn't even know it existed! It's a cool space - real stage, sound system, lights, etc. and a nice size. I understand that regular shows are planned, so looking forward to more good music and food here!

We got out of the house late and unfortunately missed Dante's Inferno (sorry!) but got to the Pasty just as our pals, the Unwieldies, were setting up. This acoustic quartet (guitar, dobro, stand-up, violin) plays their own style of folk/singer-songwriter/Americana/what-have-you with plenty of style and some terrific vocals from Dani (sweet'n'pure) and Rob (gruff'n'Waits-ian). This evening's set consisted of tunes from their three CDs, including the latest, No Secrets Here. Passionate tales of love, betrayal, drinking and just life in general. I love the songwriting here and the dobro and violin gives the proceedings a special touch that you're not likely to hear with other combos. Always a good time!

I understand that this was the second show for Los Carajos - although there may have been variations on the band previously. In any case, the group does traditional Mexican tunes that many of the members grew up with, but with a hard core rhythm section driving the numbers. I loved the horns and the accordion but for this old man, I would have preferred maybe a more trad punk rock rhythm rather than the high-speed, heart-pounding hard-core timing. But, still plenty of fun and they've already built up quite a following! Check 'em out!