Thursday, February 16, 2023

Cordell Jackson - Live in Chicago


Quite frankly, I think that I forgot that this CD was in our collection and I have no idea when or where we got it, but it is a classic of minimalistic, Cramps-ian (although she predates that combo by several decades) rock'n'roll, done in Cordell's inimitable style. An originator and innovator, Cordell started her own record label after learning to record and produce and released her own performances in the 50's. Her style, thankfully, never evolved much from there and this 1995 recording shows her still rantin'n'ravin' with wild rockabilly, blues, some frantic boogie-woogie, an occasional ballad, and cool Link Wray-ish riffin'.

With her trademark ballroom gown and Hagstrom guitar'n'amp - no other musicians - she obviously charmed the audience with her primitive, raw, rockin' sounds. Like I say, it's a bit Cramps, a bit Link Wray, a bit Shaggs, a bit Panther Burns (she was a Memphis resident, after all), some instrumentals, some vocals, all short, and all fun!

You know it's gotta be cool cuz Miriam Linna did the liner notes! If you did your r'n'r stripped down'n'raw, primitive'n'groovy, with a charming older women presenting it all, dig this one!