Monday, May 22, 2023

Mighty Marvel Masterworks - The Black Panther


I assume that this compilation was put together due to the popularity of the Black Panther movies, and these tales were taken from various books since the Panther did not initially have his own comic. He debuted in the Fantastic Four and then appeared in (and later became one of) the Avengers, as well as in Captain America and Daredevil's books - he got around! 

Of course, Jack Kirby was the artist for his FF debut as well his Cap appearances but there was some excellent work by John Buscema (Avengers) and early Barry Smith (Daredevil), as well, and, naturally, Stan Lee was the initial creator and writer although Roy Thomas helped out later on. 

I've said it before, but I love revisiting these 60's comics and the inventiveness of Marvel is a treat to behold, even if there are some tired (usually romantic and/or misogynistic ) cliches at times, and their inclusiveness was way above and beyond their competitors, despite their sometimes backwards attitudes towards women. So, no, they were not perfect by any stretch but they were trying, especially with regards to the Civil Rights Movement.

 IN any case, fun stuff, and for those who want to learn the origins of the Black Panther, here it is!