Monday, December 18, 2023

Infamous Iron Man - Infamous


In yet another variation on a theme, this graphic novel focuses on Doctor Doom, the real Doc Doom apparently, trying to turn over a new leaf and become a good guy and in the process, he purloins the late Tony Stark's (no idea what happened there!) Iron Man suit and incorporates it in with his own armor. He attempts to do some good, in his own way, while being hounded by the Thing, who is now a member of SHIELD - I am certainly missing a lot of of info here! Somehow he involves an innocent woman scientist, his mother (back from the dead) causes more mayhem, other villains appear and, of course, Reed Richards has his say, as well.

It may be that I should simply keep to the older, original stories rather than trying to catch up on the newer variations, as these can be quite confusing when you have been out of the Marvel loop for a few decades. Again, not a great one for me.