Fug You - Ed Sanders

So, while ostensibly this is about Sanders and his endeavors, it is also a story about the 60's in general and an overview of those turbulent times. He seems to give a pretty even-handed report of the events here and doesn't over-romanticize anything, while still looking fondly back at most of the happenings. But, he also talks of the violence, the drugs, the useless deaths and the tragedies. The book is dedicated almost exclusively to the mythical decade and gives a true insiders' viewpoint.
I have never read his book on the Manson Family (simply titled The Family) that he talks about as this story ends as he enters the 1970's, so I don't know if this is something that people know him for, but this is a fun and interesting read about this amazing time of change in America. Something everyone should know adn understand.
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