Friday, December 07, 2018

Green Room (movie)

We just happened upon this 2015 film on Netflix and were intrigued due to the fact that the protagonists of the story are the member of a punk rock band. As most band movies can be a bit cringe worthy, I was skeptical, but wanted to check it out.

It turns out that the band is, generally, depicted pretty realistically, down to the fact that the members actually play and sing their own parts (two were already musicians, two learned). There are still some unrealistic bits in the flick, but that side was handled well.

The group happens into a gig at a Neo Nazi club, where they at first antagonize the audience by playing the Dead Kennedys "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" (with the female guitarist wearing a DK's t-shirt), but win them over with their own brand of punk rock. Unfortunately, after getting paid (hey, maybe the white nationalists aren't all bad!) they stumble upon a murder committed by one of the Nazis and everything goes to hell, with lots of gore-y mayhem and violence.

Not a high budget film, to be sure, but it does star Patrick Stewart as the leader of the Nazis and Anton Yelchin (from the Star Trek films) as one of the band members. Interesting premise and a nice mix of music and horror.