Saturday, March 02, 2019

Stagnettis Cock, The Psyatics, Stereo Assault, Not a Robot at the Double Down, Friday Mar 1, 2019

As Stagnettis Cock continues their 10th anniversary run of shows, they set up this diverse line up of bands, which included my second showing (in as many weeks) as second guitarist for the Psyatics.

As headliner, Stagnetti decided to go on first, not a bad idea at the Double Down - you get the early crowd and then you can hang out and drink and not have to worry about it impairing your playing! Joe, April and Bob ran through their 70-s-styled Hits such as "Fuck Our Drummer" and "Nuns Having Fun" and for the latter, ex-member Robert joined them on 2nd guitar so that they could wank'n'wail on dual leads. Robert also played bass on a number and Joe brought me up to play wankin' lead on their tune "Felipe" and left me there wondering how I was supposed to end the song! If you like your punk rock sloppy and with healthy dollops of Nugent and Foghat, check out this bunch of reprobates.

I was unfamiliar with Stereo Assault, but they were an intriguing trio playing tight kinda grunge-pop with interesting time changes and fine playing all around. Definitely a different sounding group and a neat diversion for the DD. I will definitely look out for them again! (Sorry that I didn't take more pix as I was getting ready to play.)

Not much that I can say about the Psyatics set as I was part of it, but I had a fine time playing with these cats and working out new parts for their old songs and helping to arrange the three brand new tunes that we did this eve. I appreciate the encouragement that I have gotten and I hope that their fans dig what I am adding to the mix for their no wave/garage/punk sounds. And, as always, thank you to the lovely Ivana Blaize for her visual augmentation to our set! (All photos by NIkki Ruffling)

Not a Robot is an off shoot of Water Landing with WL singer/guitarist Eric playing mandolin, bassist Daniel playing his normal instrument, Eric's cousin Scooter on lead vocals and guitar and I'm afraid I never caught the drummer's nam - sorry! I was also a bit wiped out, toasty and tired by the time they went out, but they had an unusual sound, mixing alt-country with power pop, covering the Misfits ("American Nightmare") and, in the tradition of millions of bands beforehand, stealing the "I'm a Man" riff! Eric did pick up the guitar on one song to let Scooter simply sing but I'm afraid that I had to leave as it closed in on 3:00 so I did not catch their finale.

Thanks again to the Double Down and Stagnettis Cock for hosting this night of pretty diverse music!