The Darkness - One Way Ticket to Hell...And Back

This sophomore record by the Darkness typlifies the 2nd album slump, to some extent. It's not a bad album - in fact, several songs are pretty damn good - but it does not match the majesty and silliness of "Permission to Land".
The CD starts off strong with the title song, and "Knockers" and "Is It Just Me" are also fun rockers, but "Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time" was just a bad idea all around! From there, the record kinda flounders. "Hazel Eyes" shows Justin paying homage to his time in Queen, without much success, "Girlfriend" is just a foolish novelty song with a completely absurd-sounding solo, and the closer, "Blind Man" just shows us all everything that we hated in bad metal ballads.
Again, the record is not awful, but the band is wasting the momentum and promise that they showed with "Permission". Unfortunately, is sorta seems like their 15 minutes is already up, but maybe if record number 3 returns to the more rockin' sounds of the 1st album then they might reverse their current trajectory!
(PS - I don't know what their current stage show is like, but when I saw them in 2004, I was nearly blinded! For a band named the Darkness, I have never seen more lights aimed at the audience in my life! Instead of my ears ringing afterwards, my eyes were sore for weeks! Be forewarned - bring sunglasses! I could barely watch the band - I have to avert my eyes for most of the set!)
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