Bob Dylan - Time Out of Mind

Bob Dylan – Time Out of Mind
I just found this CD and picked it up on a whim. I’ve been going through a Dylan phase lately and checking out a lot of stuff that I’ve ignored in the past.
I don’t know much about how this record came about, but it is definitely a return to earlier days, in a way. Overall this is a blues album, with reverb-drenched production, tremeloed guitars, and at times even a Tom Waits kinda feel.
I can’t really pick apart this CD as it seems to be meant as a whole. There are nods to his older recordings in lyrics and melodies and in fact, it feels like an “old” record. Not “old” as in outdated, but almost a timelessness about it and also maybe the idea that he is considering his age and looking back at his life. It is solemn and maybe even bleak, but powerful and another milestone in its own way.
Quite good stuff – definitely should be an addition to anyone’s Dylan collection.
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