Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Too Cool To Be Forgotten - Alex Robinson


This was a random purchase at the Founder's Club Book Fair last weekend and I checked it out over a sleepless night with my ailing pup, which might explain why I didn't notice that the "cool" cover was supposed to look like a pack of cigarettes until now. Fitting, as the protagonist is attempting to quit smoking via hypnosis, which brings us to the story.

Funnily, the main character is supposed to be a 40-something father but is drawn to look like he is at least in his mid-60's, if not later. So, that threw me a bit when his teenage years were in the mid-80's, but I adapted! 

In any case, the story revolves around this happily married man who is trying to quit smoking and his wife convinces him to try hypnosis. He didn't know what what to expect and certainly didn't think that he was going to be thrust into his high school years, until he remembered that he tried his first cigarette at a party due to peer pressure. He decides to change the past while dealing with the psychic imbalance of being a teen again. 

He learns more about himself and that it wasn't just the party that set him on his course, and Robinson does a good job of exposing the real reason after some vague hints earlier. The artwork and layouts are nicely done - I dig the Will Eisner-ish use of black backgrounds - and it's a nice story. 

Doubt that this would be for everyone, but I dug it.