Sunday, November 12, 2023

Kick-Ass (movie)


Based on the Marvel comic series of the same name, the Kick-Ass movie is a wacky, violent, somewhat demented ride with an 11 year old girl relentlessly slaughtering villains along with her ex-cop dad (Nick Cage does a great job) as revenge for framing and jailing the dad which resulted in the mom's suicide. Before learning of Hit Girl and the Batman-like Big Daddy, a random teenage comic nerd decides to become a real life super hero and dons the guise (and goofy name) of Kick-Ass. His first time out literally almost kills him, but he recovers and learns to do a better job and eventually teams up with Big Daddy and Hit Girl to take out the Mafia team who framed BD.

Of course, there is lots of heartbreak along the way, an insane amount of mayhem, an unlikely love interest for KA (in the comic, there is the more likely scenario of the popular girl still rejecting nerdy him, even as KA, but I guess they wanted to inject some romance in the movie), deaths and revenge from all sides and an open ending which did indeed lead into a sequel.

Even with the idea of a more realistic "super-hero", you need a healthy dose of suspension of disbelief for this, but that's because it is a silly movie based on a comic book! I totally enjoyed it though and recommend it for those who dig this kind of thing.